Hillcrest Counselors invite you to attend a planning meeting for your student!
8th Grade PCCR’s February 19th-March 8th, 2024
8th Grade Plan for College and Career Readiness Parent Meeting – SIGN UP NOW
The Counselors will be meeting individually with all 8th graders and their parents between February 10th through February 28th. The purpose of this very important meeting is to:
· Discuss current academics
· Discuss 4-year plan for high school & review graduation requirements
· Discuss registration for 9th grade
· Discuss financial preparedness for college
· Discuss academic preparedness for college
Parents – please schedule a time for this PCCR with your student by doing the following:
· Click on the PCCR scheduling link: https://canyoncreeksoftware.com/scheduler/ut/murray/index.cfm
· Choose HILLCREST JR HIGH and click GO
· The password is: hillcrest (all lower case)
· Enter your student’s ID number or use the lookup feature to find your student’s ID number
· Follow the prompts to complete the scheduling
The online schedule will be available from now until February 27th to schedule your individual appointments. If you would prefer to meet over phone or zoom, schedule an appointment in Canyon Creek and then reach out to your student’s counselor directly to make those arrangements. Translation services can be provided, please let your counselor know if this is needed. If you do not sign up for an appointment, the Counselors will still meet with your student to discuss this information. If you have any questions, please contact the Counseling Center at 801-264-7494
Students with the last names:
A-Ha: Jimmy Leblow (jleblow@murrayschools.org)
He-R: Keri Alder (kalder@murrayschools.org)
S-Z – Ms. Rizzuto (arizzuto@murrayschools.org)